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Business Resiliency Professionals Association


Message From the President

January 2025

Hello Resiliency Colleagues,

We have been working hard as a board to plan for 2025.  I know that this is going to be another great year.  I would like to say thank you to all of our members who took the year-end survey.  This helps us understand what you want as a member of BRPA.  We heard you!  We are keeping some of the things that you love and making some same changes too.  We heard that you still like virtual events so we will look to host a virtual event and continue partnerships to bring you virtual content.  We will continue to bring everyone together for in-person events because the majority of you really like the networking, and more people would like to see events in Chicago, so we are looking to add one more event there.

Welcome back to our board members who are returning this year.  We have one new board member joining us and others that are taking on new roles.  Thank you so much to all of our board members; you make BRPA what it is today.  We couldn't do it without you.  I am also grateful to all of our members and sponsors for your support and participation in our organization.

As we start this new year, I want to remind everyone to renew your membership early to continue receiving all of the benefits and opportunities that come with being a part of BRPA. Your membership supports our efforts to provide excellent programs and events, and allows us to continue to grow and evolve as an organization. I encourage you to take advantage of all that we have to offer this year, including our upcoming events that are sure to be filled with exciting opportunities to learn, connect and grow.

Best Regards, 

Mary Narens
2025 BRPA Board President

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